Wednesday, October 30, 2019

2007-2009 Financial Crisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

2007-2009 Financial Crisis - Essay Example As many companies have struggled to cope with this crisis, large numbers of people have been deprived of their jobs. It is seen that hundreds of people working in different fields lost their works during the crisis, and it resulted in poor economic growth. Shi and Singh (2011) pointed out that, â€Å"During the 2007-2009 recession, the unemployment rate in the United States topped 10 %, the highest it had been in the 26 years† (p. 545). So, the crisis has made unemployment worse for many people as it has become more difficult to find a new job. To be specific, many companies have been reluctant to hire any new people. The financial crisis caused to decline in international trade, and finally led the nation towards unemployment. At the same time, the financial crisis was worldwide, with European banks and markets as severely affected as those in the United States. The crisis checked the growth of total economies, and international trade declined and collapsed. Kaar (2009) made it clear that, â€Å"As at the present time the world can be regarded as a closed economy with highly integrated global markets, the unanimity in pessimism, the widespread fall in consumer confidence and the new credit restrictions soon had devastating effects on numerous countries real economies and forced thousands of healthy businesses around the globe and across all industries into financial troubles† (p. 27). So, one can see that the economic crisis resulted in global stagnation. Besides, the crisis affected the smooth functioning of the banking system in the U.S. It questioned the stability of many banks. For in stance, financial institutions like New Century Financial and Ameriquest faced insolvency. MacEwan and Miller(2011) stated that, â€Å"On September 15, Legman Brothers, in existence since 1850, declared bankruptcy† (p. 110). In short, most of the financial institutions were forced to undergo crisis and suffered trillions of dollars in losses. Summing

Monday, October 28, 2019

Himalayan Musk Deer: Ecology and Conservation

Himalayan Musk Deer: Ecology and Conservation The Himalayan musk deer (Moschus chrysogaster) is one of the endangered deer species of Nepal found in the sub-alpine and alpine vegetation of the Himalayan region. Poaching and natural predation along with human induced habitat alteration are the main reason for declining musk deer population. Due to this vulnerability, it is in the list of protected species in Nepal. However its population is still in critical stage and knowledge on distribution, status and conservation threats for this species is crucial. This paper aims at identifying the distribution over protected areas of Nepal and the potential conservation threats prevalent in those areas. In order to mitigate these threats, ex situ conservation, in situ conservation and strict ban on the trade of this species should be imposed. Besides, conservation awareness programs about musk deer should be carried out among the local people living nearby the protected areas. Eventually, there should be focus on identifying conservation strategies and priorities areas for musk deer within the protected areas. Key words: Awareness, habitat, endangered, protected areas, poaching, Nepal Introduction Himalayan musk deer (Moschus chrysogaster) is found in the birch and rhododendron coniferous forests of the Himalayan region of Nepal (Kattel, 1992), belongs to Moschidae family (Brooke, 1878, Flerov, 1952, Groves and Grubb, 1987, Whitehead, 1972) though they were initially placed in Cervidae family (Aryal et al., 2010, Flower, 1875, Zhau et al., 2004). It possesses well developed canines and lacks cranial appendages (Flower, 1875, Scott and Janis, 1987, Webb and Taylor, 1980). It is of dark brown color and its body is covered over with coarse and brittle hairs (Green, 1985). Female is slightly larger than males both in mean body mass and length (Kattel, 1992). It is hornless and without facial glands and unlike other deer, it possesses a gall bladder, a caudal gland and a musk gland (Aryal et al., 2010, Prater, 1993). It is a very shy, solitary and territorial animal and crepuscular in habit i.e. active at dusk and dawn (Green, 1986, Green and Kattel, 1997). At night, it can be seen in the open areas of their habitat as they graze while during the day, they remain in dense cover. The Himalayan musk deer does not undertake any seasonal migration, remaining in the same area year around despite harsh weather condition (Kattel, 1992). Musk deer feed on herbaceous and woody plants, leaves, flowers, twigs, lichens, moss, shoots and grass. In the winter, arboreal lichens and some terrestrial bushy lichens make up about 70% of musk deers diet where as herbaceous plants are the main diet in the summer ( Green and Kattel, 1992, MacDonald, 1995). They are true concentrate selectors (Kattel, 1992). Musk deer inhabit steep, forested or shrub-covered slopes, mainly in the sub-alpine zones of mountain regions. Dense undergrowth of rhododendron, bamboo and other shrubs form the typical habitat ( Bannikov et. al, 1978, Green, 1987a). Use of the habitat depends upon the availability of cover; food and other factors (Aryal, 2005). They prefer to inhabit rocky outcrops in order to dodge predators. It has been commercially exploited by poachers for centuries for its valuable musk pod, which is usually excised after killing the deer (CITES, 2002, Zhau et al., 2004). On the other hand, human population growth is leading to deforesta tion and reduction of musk deer habitat (Eckholm, 1975). Very few studies have been done in this deer species. In addition, it is under lower risk (near threatened) status of IUCN Red List of threatened species; appendix I of Convention on International Trade of Endangered flora and fauna (CITES) and protected species of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1973, Nepal (HMG/Nepal 2002). The purpose of this paper is to present information about the distribution of the Himalayan musk deer and assess the conservation threats in the Nepal and potential conservation strategies that can be employed to mitigate these threats. Distribution Musk deer (Moschus spps) are distributed throughout the forest and mountainous parts of Asia from north of the Arctic circle southward to the northern edge of Mongolia and to Korea. Further south, avoiding the Gobi desert, the musk deer occurs in China, Burma, Northern India, Northern Vietnam and the Himalayan region (Flerov, 1952, Green, 1986, Yang et al., 2003). In central Asia, musk deer occur in Kazakhstan, possibly in Kyrgyztan and the south of Russia (Dao, 1977, Flerov, 1952, Green, 1986 and Whitehead, 1972). Out of 5 musk deer spp, himalayan musk deer (moschus chrysogaster) are endemic to Afghanistan, Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal and Pakistan (Khan et al., 2006). They occur in the Himalayan region at an altitude of 2400 to 4300 m in Nepal (Shrestha, 1998). Musk deer are commonly found in Bajhang, Doti, simikot, Markhor lake, Dhorpatan and Langtang in west and central region of Nepal while they are occurred in Jatapokhari, Taplejung, Chipuwa, Arun and Wallangchung gola of east ern Nepal. Their habitat is better protected in the upper Langtang valley, vicinity of Thyangboche monastery in Khumbu and upper Budi Gandaki than other parts of Nepal (Aryal, 2006). The numbers of the musk deer are increasing significantly within protected areas while outside the protected areas they are declining incessantly. It is estimated that Sagarmatha national park has of 600-800 animals with upto 45 per km2. Similarly, there is an estimate of 500 animals in Langtang National Park, 20 in Rara national park and above 1000 in Shey-phoksundo National park (Kattel, 1990, Wemmer, 1998). Musk deer are found in 9 protected areas of Nepal viz. Rara National Park, Makalu Barun National Park, Sagarmatha National Park, Shey-Phoksundo National Park, Khaptad National Park, Langtang National Park, Kanchanjunga Conservation Area, Manasalu conservation area and Annapurna Conservation Area (Aryal, 2005, HMG/Nepal, 2002). Besides, they are occurred in Dhorpatan hunting reserve (IUCN, 1993). Conservation threats Environmental degradation has reached unprecedented levels in the Himalayan region of Nepal. Population growth has forced the people of Himalayan region to exploit forest resource to fulfill their forest basic needs such as fuel wood, timber, fodder. An unsustainable harvesting practices in Himalaya region lead to the subalpine and alpine vegetation in degradable condition (Echolm, 1975). Nepal forest Inventory indicates that since 1978 forest cover has declined at a rate of 1.7 percent per annum and the total woody vegetation (forest and shrub) cover has decreased at an average annual rate of about 0.5% (FAO, 1999). These activities have urged the degradation of wildlife habitat which ultimately contribute in the reduction of musk deer population. In addition, owing to socio-economic and political conditions, musk deer population arent being afforded safe sanctuary even in remote areas because of tribesmens poaching and hunting for their live hood subsistence (Jackson, 1979). Poaching Traditional hunting methods have been practiced in the some of the mountainous parts of western Nepal (Jackson, 1979). Although meat and hide are not considered good, Musk deer have been hunting by humans for thousands of years (Hepther and Naumov, 1961). The principal reason for the intense hunting of musk deer has always been the demand for musk. In Russia, hunting and poaching are considered the prime causes for the reduction of musk deer population (Green, 1986, Jackson, 1979, Prikhodko, 1997, Wemmer, 1998). Populations of musk deer are declining in nearly all countries where they occur due to poaching. This decline is thought to be particularly dramatic in Russia and china. (CITES 2002). The musk deer populations of Russia were brought to the brink of extinction through over-hunting in the early twentieth century (Homes, 1999). Simultaneously, population of musk deer is declining due to poaching in Nepal, it has been estimated that for every male deer that yields one musk pod, f our deer are killed (Green 1986, HMG/Nepal 2002). The research conducted in 2006 by Rajchal showed that the most of illegal activities approximately 64% were happening for poaching musk deer. Snares is the most commonly used hunting technique by the poachers to kill the musk deer which not only killed the male deer but also the cause the death of juvenile, female and other wildlife species (Rajchal, 2006). Habitat Destruction Habitat destruction, due to increasing human and livestock populations in Nepal, limited the distribution of musk deer to smaller and fragmented area. As result, population of musk deer has reduced considerably (Green, 1986). Musk deer habitat is converted for settlements, agriculture and other types of landuse (Homes, 1999). The habitats of musk deer in the subalpine region of the Himalayas are increasingly used for harvesting firewood and as pasture land (Harris, 1999). Expanding pastoralism affected musk deer indirectly through predation and harassment by domestic dogs (Green, 1986, Harris, 1991). Besides, this causes the loss of the understorey of vegetation which is of particular importance to musk deer for food and shelter against predators (Home, 1999). Habitat loss is also mentioned as a factor threatening musk deer in the Russian Far East where intensive timber harvest and the frequent burning of forests are destroying their habitats (Prikhodko, 1997 and WWF Deutschland ,199 8).One of the studies carried out in Sagarmatha national park, Nepal in 2005 by Aryal revealed that musk deer habitat has reduced considerably as local people are highly dependent on forest for fodder, fuel wood and timber. In order to fulfill their needs, they have been deforesting forest resource. In addition, fire and other anthropogenic activities also altered the potential musk deer habitat into vulnerable condition (Aryal 2005). Predation Musk deer have a number of natural predators. They are generally predated by Leopard (Panthera pardus), Clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa), Snow leopard (Uncia uncia), Lynx (Felis lynx), Wolf (Canis lupus) and Wild dog (Cuon alpinus) (Green 1987a, Shrestha 1981, Kozhechkin 1994 and Zhinvotshenko 1988). Besides, the youngs are attached by large birds of prey ( Green 1987a, Kozhechkin 1994 and Zhivotschenko 1998). Predators dont however have a significant impact on the size of the musk deer population. In the region of Altai and Eastern Sayans in Russia, musk deer form upto 50% of the diet of the yellow throated marten but nevertheless, the martens in these region remove only about 8-12% of the overall population of musk deer (Bannikov et al. 1978 and Phrikhodkko 1997). One of the studies carried out by Aryal in Annapurna conservation area showed that yellow threatened marten is the prime predator of juvenile musk deer which killed 15 juvenile musk deer during the period of 2001 to 20 04 (Aryal 2006). Grazing Due to high seasonality and low primary productivity, the himalayan region supports relatively low ungulate/herbivore biomass. It is therefore obvious that with the increase in the biomass of domestic livestock in the areas, musk deer have suffered from competitive exclusion (Aryal 2006). Sathyakumar et al. 1993, have reported that increased livestock grazing and associated impacts have led to low musk deer densities in many areas in Kedarnath wildlife sanctuary, India. Rajchal 2006 have depicted that local people of Sagarmatha national park graze their livestock haphazardly. Domestic animals enter the forest to compete for shrubs and undergrowth with musk deer. Even when the canopy is intact, the dense undergrowth favored by musk deer for food and shelter is often extensively damaged by domestic livestock. Livestock have a dramatic impact on the population of musk deer (Rajchal 2006). Similarly another study conducted by Aryal et al. 2010 showed that there were 35 % habitat overlap between livestock and musk deer which substantiate that there was high encroachment of domestic livestock in sagaramatha national park. Conservation strategies to mitigate threats Musk deer conservation efforts should be focused on maintenance of essential ecological processes and life support system in order to preserve genetic diversity and ensure the sustainable utilization of the species and its ecosystem (Shrestha 1998). For this, it is necessary to give proper protection to the species within existing national parks and sanctuaries, to control the musk trade , both at national and international levels and to utilize the species at a sustainable level for the benefits of rural communities,( Green 1986, Shrestha 1998). In situ conservation In situ conservation refers to the protection of musk deer within their home range. Poaching and non-sustainable forest harvesting should be highly prohibited at musk deer habitat (Zhou et al. 2004). In order to fulfill this purpose, several national parks, wildlife reserve and conservation reserve has focus on the protection of this species established in Nepal. National parks and wildlife conservation act 1973 is also focused on the conservation of musk deer conservation through listing moschus spp as protected species and by providing additional protection for population located in protected area (HMGN 1973). This type of conservation strategies was also successful in china where Chinese government has established a large number of national, provincial and local nature within their home range.(Zhou et al. 2004). Ex situ conservation Ex-situ conservation can be suitable option for musk deer protection where it has been extinct and endangered. Captive breeding is one of the best strategy of ex-situ conservation (Zhou et al. 2004). Musk deer has considerably increased after significantly 1996 in Godavari, Nepal afte the establishment of musk deer farming at Godavari, Nepal (Rajchal 2006).simulataneously this type of farming is most succeful in China as compared to other countires(Shrestha 1998).Though specific policy hasnot been built yet for musk deer conservation, tenth plan(2002-2007) has recognized the need for encouraging the involvement of private sector in farming of valuable non-timber forest products, wild animals and birds through the formulation of necessary laws. Special attention has to be given on how forest and wildlife conservation can contribute to human welfare and sustainable development of the country (Rajchal 2006). Restriction on the use and trade In order to support the restriction on the musk deer and its production smugging , an international cooperation is needed to impose the ban on trade of this product. In addition use musk deer on the medical and perfumes products must be banned (Zhou et al. 2004).Two international legal agreements directly realted to the conservation and exploitation of musk deer populations. The first is CITES, is an intenational law that regulate international trade in listed species and the second is the CBD, which is an international agreement to create and enforce specific types of domestic legislation designated to conservate biodiversity. Nepal as a signatory to both treaties and having ratified them, is responsible, under international law, for implementation and enforcing their provisions(Belbase 1999, Homes 1999). Both CITES and CBD allow for and support the implementation of is in situ conservation (Rajchal 2006). Recommendation and Conclusion Himalayan musk deer which is native to Nepal has been declining dramatically due to poaching, habitat loss, live stock grazing, natural predation, and anthropogenic causes. In order to conserve this endangered species of Nepal, several protected areas have focused on the regular monitoring of this species along with stringent restriction on the trade of this species, though their population is still in critical condition. To make the conservation effort effectual, poaching and habitat loss which is considered the main cause of musk deer population diminishing should be reduced by awaring the local people about the importance of musk deer conservation.conservation education, training and awareness programs have to be lauched in schoold, villagers, antipoaching units and park authorities to educate them about musk deer, their ecological and economical role and prevent from poachers. Current firewood and timber harvesting system adoped in their habitat should be reduced by promoting aln ernative energy like hydropower to meet their enery needs to make a little disturbance in their natual habitat. Area where musk deer is inhabited should be designated as separate core area and have to declared musk deer conservation core areas in all the protected areas where it is found. Besides, scientific studies regarding musk deer habitat, status, diet, threats should be carried out in those areas. Moreover, musk deer farming should be emphasized and their trade and harvesting must be sustainable.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Babies Killing Babies :: essays research papers

BABIES KILLING BABIES National Institute of Mental Health: Thinking About Violence in Our Schools Office of The Surgeon General: Youth Violence Two teenagers entered a high school in Colorado and opened fire on their classmates. The young gunmen end their lives, but not before taking the lives of fifteen students, and injuring twenty, finalizing the tragedy. In recent years we have experienced a rampage of violence in our schools. Researchers have yet to pinpoint the answer to this plague of violent disorders. The National Institute of Mental Health, and The Office of the Surgeon General have focused their research to the areas of stages of violence development, prevention and intervention, and methods of identifying the most effective treatments. Studies by the Office of the Surgeon General have concluded that there are two paths for the materialization of youth violence. One is identified at an early age of puberty, the other in the adolescent stage. The research shows that if there is violence demonstrated in the early childhood stage of a child, the degree of violence in the child rises, as the child grows older, concluding in severe violent behavior. The group that is said to be in the early-onset group, or before puberty, is said to have a greater and more serious number of violence incidents during the adolescent years. This also leads to a determining factor for violent behavior during their adulthood, (see research by Stattin and Magnusson, 1996; and Tolan and Gorman-Smith, 1998). Research has shown that violence offenses committed by young men, between the ages of sixteen or seventeen, can be traced back to their puberty stage (D’Unger et al., 1998; Elliot et al., 1996; Huzinga et al., 1995; Nagin and Tremblay , 1999; Patterson and Yoerger, 1997; Stattin and Magnusson, 1996). This is proof that the majority of offenders began their violent behavior during the younger years. However, the study also shows that those who began in the puberty stage did not commit the most serious and persistent acts of violence; moreover, by those who’s violent behavior began during adolescence. The study also concludes that there is very little support to the claims that youth violence can be easily identified at an early age. We can see an example of this in the violent shootings that took place in Jonesboro, Arkansas; where two boys, ages eleven and thirteen years old, opened fire during a false fire alarm, killing four girls and one teacher.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Nurse Role, Management of Obesity

The role of nurses in the management of Obesity The case study provided regarding diet and weight management has led me to explore the role of a nurse specifically during the management of obesity. The investigation aims to determine how a nurse can intervene and control obesity. The research generally looks at the role of the nurse in managing a patient that is clinically classed as obese. Obesity is calculated using BMI measurements (appendix 1). Limitations to this investigation from a personal perspective are that I haven’t yet practised as a nurse so I can’t use reflection on my own practise as a learning tool.Taking this into consideration I have sourced my information with the use of secondary research methods, thus meaning the summary and synthesis of existing research already available to me via published articles, books and other relevant resources. As you will see as you read on the value of knowledge and evidence to professional practise is critical. The mai n reason why you need to base your professional practice on the best available evidence is explained by Aveyard and Sharp (2009, p6), â€Å"†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ t enables us to deliver the best possible patient/client care rather than out of date practice’’. Aveyard and Sharp (2009, p7) goes on to say that â€Å"evidence based practice is practice that is supported by clear reasoning, taking into account the patient or clients preferences using your own judgement†. This description is backed up by Sackett et al (1996, p71-72) who described EBP as, â€Å"the conscientious, explicit and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patient/clients†.Gray (1997,p9) emphasized a focus on patient values describing EBP as , â€Å"an approach to decision making in which the clinician uses the best evidence available in consultation with the patient, to decide upon the option which suits the patient best. The NMC code of Condu ct (2008) foregrounds the importance of evidence based practice in professional development and requires that all nurses should be accomplished in practicing evidence based care.After reading various journal articles and books on EBP I have discovered that it is about integrating individual clinical expertise, for example your own proficiency and expertise, along with the best external evidence and also taking in mind the best interests for the patient. It is of high importance to use current best evidence, according to Greenhalgh and Donald (2000) without current best evidence, â€Å"practise risks becoming rapidly out of date, to the detriment of the patients†. Ultimately EBP is the formalization of the care process that the best clinicians have practiced for generations.The contribution of EBP to clinical practice is the delivery of high quality, cost effective and quality care (Aveyard and Sharp, 2009). Challenges surrounding EBP are a nurses experience, for example new n urses may be a little anxious of their new surroundings and unable to utilize all their newly learnt skills. According to Ferguson and Day (2007), â€Å"access to evidence in nursing practice is often challenging due to time constraints, difficulties in interpreting the disparate research reports on particular issues, or lack of up-to-date print-based resources or Internet connections on nursing units†.The main tool applied during my research process was Library Gateway which can be accessed via Shu space. Library Gateway enables you to access a large number of information resources and search tools. The main resource I used is Library Search, which can find results from books, full text journals and many other sources, and return them in one integrated list. The other Gateway tools include Subject Guides, help pages for referencing, the Video, Images and Audio guide and a list of subject databases.Textbooks provide good background information and offer an excellent starting point for more in-depth research, the information provided is not normally rapidly changing and it must be remembered that it may be out of date. Journal articles contain current information and research. They provide detailed reports of the methodology and results of laboratory research, case series reports, clinical trials, program evaluation, and other kinds of research studies. Journal articles focus on finding solutions to specific health care problems. The Internet is not always the best place to look for professional-level information.While it can be easily searched and you get a lot of what you find in full-text, the quality of the health care information found can be questionable. It is important to look at trusted authorities online, however the internet can be useful for looking into a patient’s perspective, for example a patient may explain their worries and experiences in an online chat forum which is always an interesting insight. The tables that follow details the databases used and the search criteria applied. Each database offers a different value of evidence. It is important to consider the following factors when looking t text documents regardless whether it a book, journal, article or online†¦.. Who wrote it, why it was written and when it was produced (SHU 2012). Once you have found a source that is deemed suitable it is then important to consider if the study was original, was the design of the study sensible, has systematic bias been avoided or minimised, was assessment ‘blind’, were preliminary statistical questions addressed (Greenhalgh, 2010). After summing up these points the methodological quality will have been accurately assessed and providing no flaws or faults are found it can be deemed accurate and reliable information.Table 1. Databases used; Database| Details| SHU Library Search| SHU Library Search searches for academic journal and newspaper articles, books,videos, maps and much more from a single sea rch bar. It searches the SHU library catalogue, full text journals and other linked databases. It is limited to content subscribed to by SHU. | Internurse| Internurse is the online archive of peer reviewed nursing articles published by MA healthcare Ltd. It draws together articles from 13 high quality journals. | Table 2. Search Strategy;Database| Keywords| Rationale| Criteria| No. of results| Search terms used in Library Search and Internurse| Nurs* AND manag* AND obes*| The word nurse/nurses/nursing and manage/managing/management and obese/obesity| 2008 to 2012English languageNo country specified. Type of publication: Peer reviewed journals and books | 32| You can search as far back as 2004 using Inter-nurse. For the chosen subject area I decided to concentrate my research more specifically on more recent research as I found I was bombarded with information when I looked as far back as 2004.This has allowed me to look at more recent publications which I feel is highly important in a profession where health care routines are often being changed and improved. Once I had narrowed down the search I was able to pick journals, articles and books which I felt where most appropriate by reading the abstract to get a more in depth overview of what would be best for my topic. Obesity can lead to the onset of several complications, which with the intervention of nurses could be prevented, these complications are highlighted in appendix 2.Maggi Banning (2005) states that there is an ever increasing need for the evolvement of a nursing role as an obesity nurse specialist. She claims the nursing profession needs to step up and prepare for obesity management. The National Obesity Forum provides an ‘Obesity Care Pathway Toolkit’. It strengthens the need for the use of EBP by claiming weight management should ‘†¦. be based on best evidence, where ever possible’. It also states the following, â€Å"It is essential that services be developed in c onsultation with the users and people who will be delivering them, working together as a multi-disciplinary group.Training on weight management control, healthy eating and increasing physical activity to health professionals is necessary to ensure consistent, accurate and up to date messages are given to patients at all times. Currently, very few NHS weight management services are monitored or audited, this will be a must in the future and needs to be built in at the planning stage. The feedback will result in improved services to patients. † Changes in eating habits and activity levels are thought to lie at the heart of obesity (Wadden et al, 2002).As a nurse will get to see their patients everyday it is the ideal opportunity for them to advise patients on healthy eating and provide encouragement for increased levels of activity. Drummond (2002) identified that communication between the nurse and patient is important as some patients may be self conscious or body-conscious. F or example certain terms should be avoided such as ‘sport’ or ‘exercise’ which may have negative associations for patients, a higher level of activity and ‘avoiding sedentary pursuits should be emphasised’.Body weight is considered a sensitive issue for most people so it is vital that healthcare professionals handle the subject of weight loss with sensitivity. Crogan (2006) emphasized that it is important that nurses establish an open approach to communication when addressing issues relating to obesity. I feel a multi-component intervention would be the best way for nurses to manage obesity. It should include behaviour change strategies to increase peoples physical activity levels or to decrease inactivity levels, improve eating behaviour and the quality of the persons diet and aim to reduce energy intake.According to (Sheehan and Yin, 2006) nurses constitute a political force in health policy, because they are situated in a wide range of setti ngs. This is backed up by Bennett 2007 who states, ‘Nurses in the primary care setting are uniquely placed to support patients to make the necessary changes’. Nurses need to have an understanding of the patients multiple needs and to collaborate with other members of the health team to discuss personalized holistic care issues.Chrystalleni and Christiana (2010) have recognised that â€Å"the aetiology of obesity is multi-factorial, and dietary factors that relate or are responsible for the development of obesity are complex and still not understood†. As they define development of obesity to not be understood I feel this is a large limitation and therefore requires constant comparison of current techniques used in managing obesity along with any current evidence that has arisen through trustworthy practice research. In conclusion, the role of a nurse in managing an obese patient should involve discussing the weight issues and the severity on the patient’s h ealth.As supported by Green et al (2000) this will enable the nurse to gain insight into the magnitude of the problem and to negotiate realistic goals in terms of weight loss and to support and provide dietary advice which is acceptable for the individual. Nurses should consider each patient holistically and use appropriate language in order to encourage and not offend. As encouraged by the national obesity forum patient selection should be active rather than passive, with opportunistic screening rather than reliance exclusively on self-referral.The nurse should discuss ways in which a negative energy balance is achievable. References AVEYARD, Helen and SHARP, Pam (2009). A beginners guide to evidence based practice in health and social care,. Open University Press, McGraw-Hill. BENNET D (2007). Nurses at the cutting edge of obesity. Practise Nursing. 18,9,454-458. CHRYSTALLENI, Lazarou, CHRISTIANA, Kouta (2010). The role of nurses in the prevention and management of obesity. [onlin e]. 19 (10) 641-647. Journal from British Journal of Nursing last accessed 12th November 2012 at http://www. internurse. om CROGAN E (2006). A bio-behavioural approach to obesity. Practise nursing. 17, 9, 439-442. DRUMMOND S (2002). The management of obesity. Nursing Standard. 16(48), 47-52. GRAY J. A. M (1977). Evidence-based Healthcare. Churchill Livingstone, Newyork, USA. GREENHALGH, T & DONALD,A (2000). Evidence based health care work book: Understanding research for individual and group learning. London, BMJ Books. Last accessed 16th November 2012. GREENHALGH, Trisha (2010). How to read a paper: the basics of evidence based medicine. [online]. London, BMJ Books.Book from Library Gateway last accessed 12thNovember 2012 at: http://library. shu. ac. uk FERGUSON, Linda & RENE, Day (2007)Challenges for new nurses in evidence-based practice. [online]. Journal of Nursing Management. 15(1), 107-113. Last accessed 15th November at: http://onlinelibrary. wiley. com. lcproxy. shu. ac. uk/ doi/10. 1111/j. 1365-2934. 2006. 00638. x/full JOLLEY, Jeremy (2010). Introduction to evidence based practice for nurses. Harlow. Pearson Education. MAGGI, Banning. The management of obesity: the role of the specialist nurse. online]. 14 [3]140. Journal from British Journal of Nursing last accessed 12th November 2012 at http://www. internurse. com Nursing & Midwifery Council (2008). The code: standards of conduct, performance and ethics for nurses and midwives. Nursing & Midwifery Council. London. SACKETT, D. L. , et al. (1996). Evidence based medicine: what it is and what it isn't. British Medical Journal, 312[7023],71-72. Sheffield Hallam University (2012). Evaluation: Why evaluate. [online] Last accessed November 2012 at http://infoskills. shu. ac. k/skills/evaluation. html SHEEHAN NC, YIN L (2006). Childhood obesity: nursing policy implications. J Pediatr Nurs 21(4): 308-10, Last accessed November 2012 at http://www. who. int World Health Organisation (2005). Obesity and Overwei ght: Factsheet. [online] Last accessed 12th November 2012 at http://www. who. int/en Appendix 1. (WHO 1995) BMI (kg/m2) Category of Obesity 18. 5–24. 9 Normal weight 25. 0–29. 9 Grade I obesity 30. 0–39. 9 Grade II obesity ;40. 0 Grade III obesity

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Benefits of video games Essay

Video games today are most commonly viewed as a way for students of high schools and colleges to slack off and procrastinate on homework and studies. What most people are not aware of though, is the social benefits that video gaming has on individuals. Video games can have positive effects on a gamers social life when it comes to teamwork, helping people, multitasking, and communicating efficiently. Educational Benefits for Students A recent study from the Education Development Center and the U.S. Congress-supported Ready To Learn (RTL) Initiative found that a curriculum that involved digital media such as video games could improve early literacy skills when coupled with strong parental and teacher involvement. Interestingly, the study focused on young children, and 4- and 5-year-olds who participated showed increases in letter recognition, sounds association with letters, and understanding basic concepts about stories and print. The key for this study was having high-quality educational titles, along with parents and teachers who were equally invested in the subject matter. That way kids could discuss and examine the concepts that they were exposed to in the games. Also interesting is the value that video games are proven to have even for very young players. A study by the Education Department Center further found that low-income children are â€Å"better prepared for success in kindergarten when their preschool teachers incorporate educational video and games from the Ready to Learn Initiative. † Older children such as teens and tweens can benefit from gameplay as well. Even traditional games teach kids basic everyday skills, according to Ian Bogost, associate professor at the Georgia Institute of Technology and founder of software maker Persuasive Games. â€Å"Look at ‘World of Warcraft’: You’ve got 11-year-olds who are learning to delegate responsibility, promote teamwork and steer groups of people toward a common goal. † Games that are designed to help teach are having an impact on college-age pupils as well. Following a recent 3D virtual simulation of a US/Canadian border crossing, wherein students assumed the role of guards, Loyalist College in Ontario reported that the number of successful test scores increased from 56 percent to 95 percent. Improved Multitasking Other carefully-designed studies have also shown that action video games can improve several aspects of brain activity, including multitasking. According to studies by Daphne Bavelier, a professor of brain and cognitive sciences at the University of Rochester, video gamers show real-world improvements on tests of attention, accuracy, vision and multitasking after playing certain titles. â€Å"If you think about it, the attentional and working memory demands of video games can be much greater than other tasks,† says Michael Stroud, a professor of psychology at Merrimack College. â€Å"Consider Pac-Man as an example. In Pac-Man, you must navigate your character through a spatial layout while monitoring the separate paths of four additional objects (the ghosts), while keeping the overall goal of clearing the small pellets in memory, as well as keeping track of the remaining large pellets. † â€Å"Think about how this may apply to skills such as driving,† he continues. â€Å"When you drive your car, you are faced with a constantly changing environment in the road, not to mention several other distractions that compete for attention that reside in the car. At the same time, you are attempting to navigate through the environment to reach a goal. † Social Benefits Games with broad appeal that are easy to grasp can additionally help many families play together, and better bridge the gap between generations. Consider a title like hip-wiggling simulation Just Dance, which can have young kids dancing alongside their grandparents. There are also many games that have positive social messages that encourage families to be a force for good. In a series of experiments published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, researchers found that participants who had just played a â€Å"pro-social† game in which characters must work together to help each other out as compared to those who had just played a â€Å"neutral† game (e. g. Tetris) were more likely to engage in helpful behaviors. Examples included assisting in a situation involving an abusive boyfriend, picking up a box of pencils or even volunteering to participate in more research. So-called â€Å"serious games,† specifically designed to teach and inform, are also having an impact on the world. Titles like the United Nations’ Food Force teach kids about real-life issues, humanitarianism and the practical challenges facing governments and private organizations today. In the game, children must complete six different missions that reflect the real-life obstacles faced by the World Food Programme in its emergency responses. Other games, like Nourish Interactive’s online Chef Solus and the Food Pyramid Adventure, teach kids about the benefits of healthy eating habits, while still more highlight pressing geopolitical and social issues, e. g. the Global Conflicts series. Upsides can even extend into the physical world. Consider Facebook game Ecotopia. In summer 2011, players of the popular social game met a challenge from its creators and planted 25,000 trees in the game world in 25 days, leading the game’s developer to plant 25,000 trees in real life. Career Benefits Future career choices for today’s tots will no doubt be influenced by technology in a way that is difficult for many parents to imagine too. Skills learned and honed playing home console and video games, as well as mobile gaming apps, will undoubtedly be very valuable to students in the workforce of 2025. As mentioned earlier, the Federation of American Scientists (FAS) has proclaimed that kids need more, not less, video game play. They argue that video games hold the potential to help address one of America’s most pressing problems – preparing students for an increasingly competitive global market. â€Å"The success of complex video games demonstrates that games can teach higher-order thinking skills such as strategic thinking, interpretative analysis, problem solving, plan formulation and execution, and adaptation to rapid change,† the Federation announced in a 2010 report. â€Å"These are the skills U. S. employers increasingly seek in workers and new workforce entrants. † Games are increasingly being used to educate and instruct workers around the globe by governments, trade bodies and the world’s largest corporations as well. From Cisco Systems’ The Cisco Mind Share Game, which facilitates network certification, to the US Department of Justice’s Incident Commander, in which emergency responders practice coordinating disaster relief efforts, the number of practical examples continues to grow. In fact, a recent study by the Entertainment Software Association found that 70 percent of major domestic employers have utilized interactive software and games for training purposes, and nearly eight out of 10 plan on doing so by 2013. Going forward, in addition to polishing your resume and interview skills, who knows? You may even want to brush up on your button-mashing abilities. Encouraging Cooperation and Teamwork Many games today also emphasize the cooperative aspects of game play, in which two or more players need to work together in order to reach a common goal. For instance, games like Lego Star Wars or Kirby’s Epic Yarn are enhanced by having players cooperate to solve in-game puzzles. Massively multiplayer games such as LEGO Universe and Lord of the Rings Online further offer added depth, atmosphere and enjoyment by allowing players to band together and work as a team in order to complete certain quests or defeat especially tricky opponents. Game industry analysts such as DFC Intelligence actually predict that video game revenue will reach nearly $70 billion by 2015, thanks in large part to these online, cooperative, subscription-based games that can be played together. Small wonder top titles like Star Wars: The Old Republic and Titan (the next MMO from Blizzard, the company that created World of Warcraft) continue to resonate so strongly with millions worldwide. Even the way that games are made can encourage teamwork. At Washburn University in Kansas, students study the game development process as a way to build teamwork and collaborative skills. â€Å"It taught me to work in a group,† said Washburn student Adam Bideau of the program in a recent interview with the Washburn Review. â€Å"Video games are not created by just one person and they require you to work well with others. You have to pool everyone’s talents together in order to produce the required product. † Promoting Exercise All parents know that kids need a healthy combination of physical and mental exercise. Happily, today’s motion-controlled games for Microsoft’s Xbox 360 Kinect, Nintendo’s Wii and Wii U, and Sony’s PlayStation Move help kids get both kinds of workouts at the same time. Better yet, people of all ages are finding them a more approachable way to stay physically fit. While many shy away from exercise because they see it as an activity that isn’t enjoyable, organizations like the American Heart Association now cite, and even recommend, video games as a fun and entertaining way to enjoy physical activity. Upsides of active play are considerable too. A study reported in the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine of 39 Boston middle-school children who played with six different interactive gaming systems found that the games â€Å"compared favorably with walking on a treadmill at three miles per hour, with four out of the six activities resulting in higher energy expenditure. † Organizations supporting individuals of all ages and interests are additionally using active games to help get people up and moving. Nursing homes, cruise ships and even after-school programs all now employ active video games in some form to help stimulate both the mind and body. The good news: People seem to be enjoying active play more than ever. Healthy diversions such as Wii Fit and Zumba Fitness continue to be some of the most popular and best-selling games year in and out.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How to Help Kids Learn Digraphs in Spelling and Sounds

How to Help Kids Learn Digraphs in Spelling and Sounds Digraphs are two letters that make a third letter sound, when combined, such as ch or sh. Many sight vocabulary words use digraphs, which may provide a springboard for exploring these letter pairs when helping students learn to read new and unfamiliar vocabulary.   When considering a spelling program and how to best help children learn the sounds of the English language, you will need to choose words that help them understand all of the 44 sounds. Part of those 44 sounds include the digraphs. It is also important to distinguish letter digraphs from letter blends, which are letters commonly paired whose individual sounds are created in concert, such as sl, pl, pr, sr, etc.  Often, children with disabilities have difficulty hearing and distinguishing letter blends, but consonant digraphs are easier because even the voiced and unvoiced digraphs (th) are made in the same way, with tongue placement in the same place. Often, students who have problems with identifying and/or hearing digraphs are also struggling with hearing (hard of hearing) or articulating (apraxia) the letter sound.  Students with these difficulties should be referred to audiologists or speech-language pathologists for assessment and/or services. The consonant digraphs are: ch, sh, th, ng (final sound) ph, and wh. Strategies for Teaching Common Words With Digraphs Introducing the Sound Use decodable books with consonant digraphs to introduce the sounds.  Use picture cards (chew, chop, chin, etc.)  to introduce the sounds.Use a double ch letter card with other letter cards to build words.  Have students build the same words with an individual pocket chart. Practicing the Sound Word Sorts:  Put lots of words with paired initial sounds in squares.  Have them cut out the words and paste them under the consonant digraph, i.e. chs include chip and ship, shop and chop.   Sounds Sound: ch as in chew Initial ch sound:  chew, chop, chips, choice, chance, chain, champ, chase, cheer, cheek, cheat, chase, chalk, choose Final ch sound: touch, each, reach, coach, ditch, ouch, beach, teach, ditch, lunch Sound: sh like in shy or rush Initial sh:  shadow, shade, shine, shop, shell, shout, shrub, shut, share, shower Final sh:   push, rush, fresh, wish, wash, fish, dish, trash, ash, rash Sound: the unvoiced th as in this the, then, they, there, their, this, them, these, that, though Sound: the voiced th as in thin thin, think, thick, thank, theft, thumb, tooth, truth, with, width Sound: wh as in why why, where, what, when, while, wheel, white, which, wheat, whistle Final Sound ng as in ring sing, sang, wing, bang, clang, bong, dung, sung, mung, clung, cling Sound:  ph as in phone Phillip, phantom, phonics, phase, phlox

Monday, October 21, 2019

5 Rules About Conjunctive Adverbs

5 Rules About Conjunctive Adverbs 5 Rules About Conjunctive Adverbs 5 Rules About Conjunctive Adverbs By Mark Nichol Many words and phrases are similar in function to the conjunction and, but they’re not exact replacements; they even belong in a different grammatical class adverbs. But because of this similarity, they’re called conjunctive adverbs or adverbial conjunctions. When considering using any of the special adverbs discussed below the simplest and most common among this subclass with or in place of and, keep these rules in mind: 1. â€Å"As Well As† Stands Alone The phrase â€Å"as well as† serves to distance a phrase from a preceding item or list of items: â€Å"Bioethics addresses issues of medical administration, medical economics, industrial medicine, epidemiology, legal medicine, treatment of animals, as well as environmental issues.† Because â€Å"as well as environmental issues† is a separate phrase, the preceding list requires its own conjunction before the final item: â€Å"Bioethics addresses issues of medical administration, medical economics, industrial medicine, epidemiology, legal medicine, and treatment of animals, as well as environmental issues.† 2. Clauses Share Conjunctive Adverbs The presence of a conjunction in a subordinate clause obviates the need for another one in the main clause: â€Å"In addition to managing the application server and the database, the company also tackles Web applications.† When you begin a sentence with a connector, do not introduce another later in the sentence: â€Å"In addition to managing the application server and the database, the company tackles Web applications.† 3. Conjunctions and Conjunctive Adverbs Clash Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, in a sample sentence demonstrating the definition of also, allows the combination â€Å"and also,† as shown in this construction: â€Å"I did check-in procedures when they were first arrested and also checked them for weapons and such before they went into their rooms.† However, I see no point in retaining also and recommend its deletion: â€Å"I did check-in procedures with them when they were first arrested and checked them for weapons and such before they went into their rooms.† 4. Let Etc. Carry Its Own Load A similar redundancy can occurs with etc.; fortunately, few people commit this error in their writing, but in searching for examples online, I found many company names following the â€Å"Widgets and Etc.† model. Etc., an abbreviation of the Latin et cetera (hence the pronunciation), means â€Å"and so on,† and so forth,† â€Å"and the like,† so preceding it with and is redundant. By the way, style guides recommend using one of the English forms in favor of the Latin abbreviation. If you’re going to ignore this sensible advice, at least punctuate the sentence correctly by preceding the abbreviation with a comma: â€Å"Symptoms of alcohol abuse are identical to those of heart failure due to viral infection, high blood pressure, etc.† If etc. occurs mid-sentence, punctuate after it as well: â€Å"Symptoms of alcohol abuse are identical to those of heart failure due to viral infection, high blood pressure, etc., so it is easily misdiagnosed or missed.† 5. Take Care in Placing Too Too can be situated in various places in a sentence, depending on the sentence’s intended meaning: â€Å"Too, I think mediation should be considered.† However, it should not start a sentence: â€Å"I think, too, mediation should be considered first,† in which the placement of too clearly indicates that the writer is expressing an additional thought, is the correct syntactical arrangement. â€Å"I think mediation should be considered, too,† while also correct, is ambiguous: It could mean the same thing, or it could signal agreement with another person’s opinion. â€Å"I, too, think mediation should be considered first† unequivocally communicates the latter meaning. But don’t let the injunction against the adverbial conjunction too at the head of a sentence deter you from beginning one with the pure adverb too: â€Å"Too many cooks spoil the broth.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:English Grammar 101: All You Need to KnowProbable vs. PossibleUsing "zeitgeist" Coherently

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Business English Writing Resources

Business English Writing Resources Written communication is especially important at work. Business writing often follows specific expectations. There are a wide range of standard phrases that are expected in business English that are generally not used in everyday English. Examples Please find attached ...We regret to inform you that ...It has come to our attention that ... Another challenge is that business writing follows very specific formulas in structure. Take the resume, ​for instance, the writing style you use, the points you highlight about your career or education, and the overall look and feel can play a very important role in deciding whether you are offered a job or not. There are also a number of documents that are common to business writing. These include office memos, e-mails, and reports. These business writing documents also take on different styles depending on the audience of those who receive the documents. This guide to business writing points you in the direction of the wide variety of resources available on the site. Basic Business Letters These two articles provide an overall framework for writing business letters. They outline specific issues of salutation, structure, letter layout and language use. Finally, there is also a Business Letter Writing Basics - Business Letter Writing Basics for English learners. Guide to basic style questions and standard phrases used in business English letters. How to Write a Business Letter - This how to provides a quick step by step guide to writing a basic business letter. Specific Business Letters Building on basic business letters, these business letters provide specific examples of letters written for common business writing tasks such as making an inquiry, sales letters, placing an order, etc. They include key phrases commonly found in each of business letter types, as well as an example letter on which to model your own English business correspondence. Letters of AcknowledgementMaking a Sale - Sales LetterPlacing an OrderMaking a ClaimAdjusting a ClaimMaking an inquiryReplying to an inquiryNew Account Terms and ConditionsBasic Business LettersWriting a Cover Letter when Applying for a Job Specific Business Documents There are a number of standard business documents that are used on a daily basis at the office. These documents follow standard outlines. This example provides important structural details, an introduction and example document on which to model your own reports. How to Write a Business Report Job Applications It is extremely important that these key business documents are in order when applying for a job. The cover letter and the resume are key to successfully winning a job offer during the interviewing process. Finding a Job - Writing a Cover LetterExample Cover Letter 1Writing Your Resume

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Alcohol Education Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Alcohol Education - Research Proposal Example It will detail how the goal can be measured, the role nurses could play and the aspects that support increasing the educational awareness. Using evidence based research, it will also indicate whether the aspects have been researched before and the outcomes obtained. The paper will also discuss the stakeholders engaged so as to get support for the project, highlight the specific arguments that could be used and the strategies that could be employed. The paper will further make references to change theory, systems theory and organizational theory while outlining the steps to operationalize the project. The outline will indicate specific timelines, needed resources, communication plan and the estimated budget. It will then describe the outcomes that require measurement along the way and those at the end of the project, highlighting their significance and how they would be used to adapt new strategies along the way. Finally, it will be concluded by a description of what the expected outc omes would be. To effectively increase educational awareness of the effects of alcohol among the college age population, there is a need to equip those who will play the role of creating the awareness (WHO, 2012). They include parents, youth workers, teachers, community and religious workers. Through program initiatives, adults can be guided on youth behavioral training, family skills, brief therapy and support. Another critical group is made up of those who sell and serve alcohol, which can be trained on implementing measures to reduce harmful consumption of alcohol by the young people. Peers also bear a significant influence on the young people’s drinking habits and patterns, and specific approaches can be designed to mould their relationship to discourage alcohol consumption (Houghton & Roche, 2001). The way the youth make decisions regarding consumption of alcohol is also greatly influenced by the drinking culture that prevails in their community. The community can be use d to develop the youth’s social and personal skills in a manner which lets them take responsible choices while teaching them not to position themselves or others in the way of harm. Within the colleges, the administrators must educate students on personal and academic effects of excessive alcohol consumption. They should empower their students to be responsible of the decisions they make regarding alcohol and the campus environment. It is upon the college administration to impact upon the students, especially the new ones, the concept of an alcohol-free environment (Midford & McBride, 2001). This can be achieved by showing them that most of their peers already in college do not indulge in alcohol abuse but instead chose safe and healthy decisions. This is a particularly significant step because majority of new students have the tendency to simply fit in the norms they found existing in their new environment. If they are led to incorrectly believe that all students on campus g et drunk regularly, they will most likely pick on the habit and develop it. The students can be assisted to organize and participate in events designed by peer education groups to enhance respect for college policies, state laws and personal responsibility in terms of alcohol consumption. Such events present the youth with opportunities to display healthy ways of life free from use of alcohol illegally and its abuse. If such events are regular

Friday, October 18, 2019

Norse Religion and Mythology Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Norse Religion and Mythology - Research Paper Example This mythology is the study of the Germanic myths (Iceland, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Faroe Islands and Denmark). The Norse societies later adopted Christianity because the Norse religion was not as strong as other religions. Lindow says that this mythology developed slowly over the years and the importance of different heroes and gods kept varying with time and place (45). They worshipped different gods and did not have any proper organization, as religion was not institutionalized. The absence of priests and temples meant that religion was part of their ordinary lives as they could worship from anywhere they wanted. The Gods and Goddesses of the Norse Religion The Gods and Goddesses of the Norse religion were divided into two major categories: the Vanir and Aesir. The former were referred to as the Earth Gods and symbolized fecundity, riches and fertility. They controlled the earth and the sea and had to be consulted on everything that falls in this category. The most important gods in this category are Freyr, Freya, Njord and Aegir. The Aesir on the other hand were the gods of the sky and they symbolized wisdom, power and war. They lived for relatively long periods and were very powerful but mortal. People could therefore pray to different gods when faced with different situations and their prayers were answered and their wishes granted. Odin Odin is the son of Bor and Bestla; he is the father and leader of all the other gods and men. He is the king of Asgard (the great citadel of the gods) and the ruler of Aersir. He had magical skills and could travel to all the nine Nordic worlds to exert his powers. He had two ravens, Huginn and Munin that could traverse the world on daily basis and inform him on everything that is happening in Midgard. He has magic, wit and wisdom that help him in making key decisions. He is also the lord of knowledge, war & death and could travel the world without being noticed. He rides on an eight legged horse during battles and has unrivalled military intelligence (O’Donoghue 24). He only has one eye because he traded the other one for wisdom. He is married to Frigg but occasionally flirts with Rind and was the god of poetic inspiration. Together they have three children namely, Thor, Baldur and Vali. He interfered a lot in the affairs of men and was believed to be the cause of the occurrence of many misunderstandings between people. These misunderstandings often led to war as men differed on different issues that were of strategic importance to all parties. Therefore, they turned to him for prayers during wars so he could help them win and humiliate their enemies (Lindow 78). He won his wars mostly through his cunning ways and not force because his wits, guile and stratagem were unequalled on earth. This made him to be a very important member of the god family and could be consulted by kings and other leaders for help before they could venture into any war. His willingness to accept both pain and loss made him gain advantage over men and other gods as he could venture into anything he was interested in. For example, he had to part with one of his eyes in order to be allowed to drink from the Urd. This shows that he could offer to do anything in order to get what he wanted in order to gain advantage over all the others. Through this, he was able to gain wisdom, and became a lot wiser than the others, making him to outwit them with ease (Skye 14). Everything he did was therefore for a purpose and with specific objectives that were of strategic importance to him as a god. He gained knowledge through pain as he was forced to hung and be

International Marketing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

International Marketing - Research Paper Example icates that the product discussed higher market share in European nations among other parts of the globe where a higher profit margin is reported (Grunig and Kuhn, 2008). For situational analysis, the company can use various methods. The following methods can are be utilized: Porter’s method, 5Cs and SWOT method of analysis. One of the best methods to be used in this situation is the 5Cs analysis. The 5Cs represents company, competitors, customers, collaborators, and climate. First, the company needs to evaluate its objectives, strategy, and capabilities. The evaluation of these elements will help the management determine how fit the organization fits the external environment. Evaluation of the company objectives and goals may include the analysis of organization visions, goals and the environment under which the organization is operating in to achieve its corporate goals. In addition, organization should assess marketing strategies to determine its efficiency and carry out necessary improvements (Hitt, Irel, and Hoskisson, 2007). The products produced should also be analyzed to dete5rmine whether they meet customer needs and expectations. Secondly, we will consider the competitors. Here we will check the position of a competitor in the market and the possible potential threats they may cause to the industry. The competitor analysis will help the management prepare against competition. The organization should conduct customer analysis to determine their needs that in return help the organization to achieve a higher market share. The analysis will help the management of the organization with the knowledge of whether the customer needs and wants are met. It will also help the organization determine the familiarity of the products to the customers, which in turn will determine the intensity of the advertisement. The management will also know the income of its customers, which will help them determine the different prices of their products. The fourth statement

Market research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Market research - Essay Example One of the easier methods of new product development is brand extensions. In 1980, the company launched cornflakes in the UK market. Buoyed by its huge success, it has been regularly expanding this market through the strategy of brand extensions. Crunchy Nut clusters launched in 2003 was followed by Crunchy Nut Bites which hit the market in 2008. All these brands have been hugely successful for Kellogg’s. This paper traces the success story of Kellogg’s. It outlines the importance of marketing research, provides for a critique on the four-stage research process at the company and also presents the salient findings from marketing research undertaken for the Crunchy Nut Bites and the new Coco Pops brand. 2.0 Introduction Kellogg’s is a world leader in the cereal market. With nearly 500 successful brands in its portfolio, it believes in a domineering market presence through the all-important strategy of innovation complemented by marketing clout. Truly, a transnatio nal corporation, it has manufacturing facilities in 18 countries which enables it to cater, far and wide, to over 180 countries, globally. Kellogg’s introduced Crunchy Nut Cornflakes in the UK market in 1980. Over the next two decades, this brand generated huge sales of around ?68 million. In 2003, Crunchy Nut Clusters, a product extension, was launched in two varieties – Milk Chocolate Curls and Honey and Nut. This strategy was highly successful as it enabled Kellogg’s to garner annual revenues of ?21 million. Riding on this success, in 2008, Crunchy Nut Bites, arrived in the market. Achieving a record of nearly ?7 million in its very first year of full sales, the newest launch was also a major hit. The most critical factor in the success of Kellogg’s new product initiative is its elaborate, marketing research. Research is, unfailingly, undertaken for every single step of the way right from idea generation to market commercialization. Primary as well as Secondary research is carried out. Both forms of research, namely, qualitative and quantitative research is given due importance. A unique four-stage approach commencing with discovery and leading onto selection of the best product idea, is followed by transforming the idea into a complete new product and concludes with a forecast of sales for the new product. This comprehensive research framework has stood the company is very good stead, over the years. It enables it to maintain constant interaction with the most important stakeholder of any organization, irrespective of form, nature and size, the consumer. This consumer-marketer interaction and interface enables Kellogg’s to regularly tap the consumer’s pulse and identify their wants and needs. This mode of consumer empowerment translates into strong consumer advocacy of the Kellogg’s brand and goes beyond customer satisfaction leading to consumer delight. Consequently, consumer retention becomes easier and ne w customer attraction is also facilitated through product promotions and other marketing efforts. In days of reduced market research spending (Quelch 2009), its reliance and stress on the need and efficacy of marketing research, has paved the way for a sustained competitive advantage (Porter 1965), for Kellogg’s. 3.0 Contents Innovation refers to creation or introduction of something new. Though innovation and creativity is used synonymously, innovation is greater than

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Common Sense Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Common Sense - Essay Example This is so primarily in the order of Paine’s way with his philosophies that were written down based upon the prevailing cause for the American Revolution especially one that was justified by the burdening economic policies of Britain. Apparent grievances which comprised such propaganda were quite compatible with the real protest toward the British authorities who only wanted to make as much money out of the New World to add to their home treasury and finance British wars in Europe so they restricted trade and raised taxes against the desires of the native Americans. Similarly, the fateful Stamp Act of 1765 which required tax stamps on all publications, commercial bills, legal documents, and public papers heightened the anguish of the American people. Paine managed further to incite an amount subtle indignation on adding via Common Sense: â€Å"I am not induced by motives of pride, party, or resentment to espouse the doctrine of separation and independence; I am clearly, positively, and conscientiously persuaded that it is the true interest of this continent to be so..†. Through â€Å"Common Sense†, Paine brought up sensitive points regarding the origin and design of the government in general with concise remarks on the English Constitution as well as its association to the monarchical government and hereditary succession. Then a complete balance of discourse is set upon the accounts pertaining to insights on the prevailing ability and state of American affairs including reflections thereof during that age. Knowing the people’s heart and thought toward the delicate matter of protest concerning independence, his writings and approach to reasoning were carried out in a style which aligned exactly with their level of understanding and common manner with voice and speech. Moreover, Paine was found to have patterned â€Å"Common Sense† after the structure of sermon, heavily based on the Holy Scriptures which the traditional American people could readily

Assignment 6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Assignment 6 - Essay Example It is for this reason that Liberal philosophers should support exemptions to the rules and norms of society for minority cultures: by promoting cultural exemptions, they will also support autonomy and equality. Before proceeding further with an argument for the importance of cultural exemptions to Liberalism, it is probably a good idea to define some terms and make sure that the concepts of Liberalism, autonomy and cultural exemptions are fully understood. Liberalism, as describe above, basically espouses the idea that everybody should be treated equally. As we saw in earlier chapters, like the one on the art of Benin, this is not always the case. In regards to Benin, they were seen as less â€Å"civilised† than the British, and this led to their being abused and mistreated when the two cultures clashed. This would not have happened if the British at the time had followed Liberalism, because it accepts that different cultures have â€Å"differences in moral values; different tastes in art, literature or music; differences in social customs and traditions; and differences in belief† (Pike 97). However, Liberalism itself has varying traditions. Two of those which are discussed in this chapter are difference-blind Liberalism and the Liberalism which accepts â€Å"rule and exemption approach† (Pike 106). The first of these seems fairly straight-forward. It basically means that the philosopher ignores any sort of difference whatsoever between any two people. The â€Å"rule and exemption† idea, on the other hand, involves creating rules for all people and then giving people exemptions based on cultural, social, or religious differences. In this case, then, the philosopher would acknowledge some that differences are important and need to be taken into account. On the surface, difference-blind Liberalism seems perfectly reasonable when your philosophy is â€Å"that every human being is of

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Common Sense Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Common Sense - Essay Example This is so primarily in the order of Paine’s way with his philosophies that were written down based upon the prevailing cause for the American Revolution especially one that was justified by the burdening economic policies of Britain. Apparent grievances which comprised such propaganda were quite compatible with the real protest toward the British authorities who only wanted to make as much money out of the New World to add to their home treasury and finance British wars in Europe so they restricted trade and raised taxes against the desires of the native Americans. Similarly, the fateful Stamp Act of 1765 which required tax stamps on all publications, commercial bills, legal documents, and public papers heightened the anguish of the American people. Paine managed further to incite an amount subtle indignation on adding via Common Sense: â€Å"I am not induced by motives of pride, party, or resentment to espouse the doctrine of separation and independence; I am clearly, positively, and conscientiously persuaded that it is the true interest of this continent to be so..†. Through â€Å"Common Sense†, Paine brought up sensitive points regarding the origin and design of the government in general with concise remarks on the English Constitution as well as its association to the monarchical government and hereditary succession. Then a complete balance of discourse is set upon the accounts pertaining to insights on the prevailing ability and state of American affairs including reflections thereof during that age. Knowing the people’s heart and thought toward the delicate matter of protest concerning independence, his writings and approach to reasoning were carried out in a style which aligned exactly with their level of understanding and common manner with voice and speech. Moreover, Paine was found to have patterned â€Å"Common Sense† after the structure of sermon, heavily based on the Holy Scriptures which the traditional American people could readily

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Detrimental effects to real women by women portrayed on TV Research Paper

Detrimental effects to real women by women portrayed on TV - Research Paper Example These women are to serve as an example of how a female should look and behave; they radiate magnetism that can generate all imaginable and unimaginable feelings and thoughts. Nevertheless, the arguments behind this suggestion are not unmistakable. It is essential to understand the line between the TV world and the real life, between natural and virtual. It is not infrequent that many women feel themselves imperfect and unworthy in comparison to their TV counterparts (Doane, 1991). A woman who regularly judges herself against the females from TV usually becomes not very self-assured. The images created and shown on TV decrease women’s self-esteem as they do reflect the ideas of feminism women have been struggling for for many years. And it is a well- known fact, that self-respect guarantees proper attitude of other people and consequently, self-assurance, approval, and finally, the impression a women makes. TV shows talk about and show women different from those we meet in the real life. Surely, it would be more beneficial for female population to look for other samples for assessment (Hyde, 2005). Men and women have very different self-appraisal and the attitudes towards each other are formed through years. These attitudes and stereotypes are formed inside of our souls by what we see and hear around. As we watch TV every day, many of our stereotypes are formed with the help of it. Women were struggling for their rights and self-respect for ages however, sometimes there is an impression that these efforts are not taken into account. Almost every ad contains something offensive for the representatives of fair sex, because what they see on TV can’t even be compared with what they see in everyday life (Juhasz, 2001). Modern famous serials like Sex and the City make women think about their lives. Here we can see four women, free and successful who does not need any marriage or children and just have fun enjoying life. Such life is not natural for

Monday, October 14, 2019

Location Based Services and Crime Detection Alert

Location Based Services and Crime Detection Alert CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Nowadays, many issues and trend of crimes such as robbery, drug addicts, rape, murder or snatch had arisen via the whole world. These arise of crimes was happening shows that the public especially victims seek for a proper assistance in the soonest time from emergency agencies such as police, fire fighter or hospital. To overcome those crimes a lot of effort and works had been done with many countries everywhere in the world with their goal to be a less crime country. One of a good solution through the launch of the emergency centre channel by phone number like 999 hotline number was used in Malaysia. By phone, the operator has been recorded the all information required such as location and type of emergency (Widiasa Wijaya, 2013). Then, the operator will channelling the line to the respected agencies based on the caller’s problem faced but if it identify as a prank call, the line will not proceed to related agencies. This is a common flow for the emergency call centre. The crime is solved based on the information provided and how fast the information delivered to the agencies targeted such as, a police officer who are on duty will be alerted from the provided information and have to move right away to the reported location. The major aspect for instant assistance not be able to reach at soonest time when the distance between the incident occur and the emergency agencies. Whereby via the emergency phone line, 45% robbery incidents reports used in England and Wales.(Michael Ovelgonne, 2010) The advancement in development of wireless communications and mobile database technology has provide a greatly convenience for lives nowadays and has promote the usage of cell phone. Therefore the extensive to application of Location Based Services (LBSs) for emergency handling has played an important role in deal with public emergencies and as a value-add to the 999 service. The implementation and the prototype development of Emergency Information Retrieval by using LBSs as a mobile application is hoped that will be able to solve the real distress problem. 1.1 Problem Statement All distress call will be channelled to a centralised unit called â€Å"cell centre†. The call center operator are working within 24 hours based on rotating shift duty. The operator have to be working routine like administrative works such as reporting the calls and then channeling the information throughout respective division. The existing emergency system quite primitive without having proper tools like digital map, mobile communication. The only communication between the call center and the emergency agencies is via walkie-talkie or radio based communication. According to (Peter Kolesar I, Albert Pedrinan Peter Stein B, 1976), mentioned that a lot of focus has been done on the calculation or timeframe been taken while operator on the line, call routing and call queues. The researcher focus on simplifying the flow of emergencies information flow by utilizing the usage of pull location based service. They also mentioned that the answering process during the line is busy are not on FIFO basis at that time. Therefore, if the use of location based service is utilized, the call centre operator for 999 which handled fully by Telekom Malaysia can automatically store into database. The proposed project will be targeted user like police and RSS feed and pull location based service technology will be used to retrieved information. Another constraint that faced in the emergency call workflow due to the current system are using that being used manually. This condition have been given impact when there is a few number of operator duty able to receive calls in certain reach peak hour and also involving much of wasting time while on run. If the line is busy, for those who is the callers that need for help would have to wait on the line and this waiting can turn into problem for them. It is because their information or help that they need does not arrive on that time. Perhaps, the criminal suspect can escape in that wasted time and this situation causes a lot of criminal may leave free of charge without any punished. The statistics of crimes that unsolved will increase continually. Sometimes the delivered information is not clear during the calls arrive for call centre system is being recorded. This can cause a misunderstandings between the operator for the emergency centre site and the call centre. Based on the Figure 1.1 below, the viewer may see the current flow of call handling that able to explain on the 999 call flow. Once the This figure was taken from on Project Director MERS999 (Ir Rozinah Anas, 2008). The research is on Bridging Public And Agencies For Disaster Emergency Situations under Telekom Malaysia (TM). She had already stated that once the 999 Response Center was handle by TM Call Center get the emergency details, the information then will be transmitted through making calls to related agencies like police, fire department, ambulance and civil defense based on the emergency type. Figure 1.1 : The 999 Call Flow for the MERS999 which Handle by TM in Malaysia (Ir Rozinah Anas, 2008) As stated by (Dr Rosidah Ibrahim, 2010), the current emergency call flow was happen to have no automatic routing system, high in drop call, long queue, abandon call and no access during call congestion and this will lead to a very low public confidence. By having the use of pull location based service, the flow of information is smooth as the call centre agents of 999 will just need to insert data to the database and later the information can be retrieved by using the smart phone. Time taken can also be reduced as there is no need to channel information manually. Concerning the problems discuss, this is should not be happening in Malaysia as a country that in moving towards technological oriented in terms of works and service delivery. The improves quality of life, must be enhanced the current emergency caling system to counter every possibility. Furthermore, the public citizen also need to play a major role to ensure that the country is a safe place for others. By the implementation of Emergency Information Retrieval by using local based services and through its prototype development it is hoped that it will be able to solve the real life problem. 1.2 Research Questions The main research questions for this study are given as follows: How to investigate the design considerations in providing location based services for emergency cases? How to design and develop a push location based service based on the requirement acquired? How to design a pull location based service based on the requirement acquired earlier? 1.3 Research Objectives Generally, the majority of the research objectives is to give facility who is use this project after ready to publish in the market. The purpose of this study to be achieved is to develop the web based and the mobile application related to location based services and crime detection alert. The objectives are as follows : To investigate design considerations in providing location based services for crime and emergency cases. To design and develop a pull location based service based on the requirement acquired. To design a push location based service based on the requirement acquired. 1.4 Scope of the Study The scope of the study is the boundaries, constraints or limitations of the project want to develop. This research is based on the current workflow of 999 call centre after receiving emergency calling and channelled the emergency information in connection with the related agencies. i) Scope of Target Users The prototype of research tried to use and implement for police officer. ii) Scope of Project Requirement The project requirement will be divide into three categories there are hardware, software and programming language that will used as shown in Table 1.1, Table 1.2 and Table 1.3 below. Table 1.1: Description of Software Requirement Table 1.2: Description of Hardware Requirement Table 1.3: Description of Programming Language Requirement iii) Scope of System Module The distress information such as current location will be collected in the earlier phase is transformed into services for mobile smart phones that used by police officer who are on patrol will be alerted from the provided information and have to move right away to the reported location. iv) Scope of Network System Location Based Services will be the main focus on this research will be apply on GPRS transmission. 1.5 Significance of the Study It enables to contribute to the flow of working and alert for the crime detection. Furthermore, it is hoped can increase the way of information is managed and collected. It enables to solve problems that might be face daily since the development of the prototype can be a starting point for a mobile application. It is hoped that this application may contribute to standard architecture on other mobile location based services for solving other problems. It enables the analyst to increase their management on getting information for criminal behaviour and factors that involving them for such situation since the new system will hold the push location data and caller information in one database. With the geographic data also, the analyst can study which area are mostly have criminal or emergency activities. That will be much helpful for police officer to monitor in connection with area while reducing the growth of criminal activities within that surroundings. Contributes to further development of facilities, guidelines to improve the current situation in helping the emergency line flow and alert on the way to emergency messages reached towards police officer. 1.6 Limitation of the Study There are certain limitations that have to be faced by the researcher while completing this project. The main limition of the study is the time and transportation constraints make the researcher impossible to do formal procedure in order to get information regarding call flow handling process from police department and Telekom Malaysia. There are some restricted info hidden which related to the call handling process and need for the formal procedure in order to get the requirement. There are some restricted info hidden which related to the call handling process and need higher authoritative person to involve for getting the information which hidden earlier to public people. Therefore, the data set information of crime and emergency statistic cannot be collected due to this. 1.7 Definition of Terms 1.7.1 Enabling Mobile Location Based Service A service on information or entertainment which delivered to customer or user  portability based on their handheld access. 1.7.2 Emergency Information for An emergency is a situation that poses an immediate threat to human life or serious  damage to property and is acknowledged to the recipient. 1.7.3 Police Cases Cases that involving police issues. 1.8 Expected Result After the completion, the researcher have expected to produce the web based application and another one is the mobile application development for smartphone to emergency report. Figure 1.1 shows the proposed workflow for application developed in this research by using pull Location Based Service. Figure 1.1 : Pull Location Based Service Architecture for current findings 1.9 Conclusion This chapter describes the overview of the study that will be developed. The topics covered in this chapter includes the introduction of the current emergency call system, objectives of the study, the problems that facing with the current system and the scope of the research. The purpose of this study has been set to solve the current issue cause of creating mobile location based application that able to give information for target user on crime and emergencies cases. In the next chapter is Literature Review which study will be conducted with review of related literatures from journals, thesis articles, and books regarding location based services and previous research of emergency information retrieval. WIDIASA WIJAYA, B. S., HATMA SURYOTRISONGKO,FEBRILIYAN SAMOPA, NISFU ASRUL SANI 2013. Developing Android-Based Personal Emergency Notification System with Global Positioning System as an Alternative Handling for Public Safety Information Systems International Conference (ISICO), 624 -630. MICHAEL OVELGONNE, A. C. S., ANDREAS GEYER-SCHULZ 2010. Social Emergency Alert Service A Location-Based Privacy-Aware Personal Safety Service. IEEE Computer Society, 84 89.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Coaches and Players Relationships Essay -- essays research papers fc

Findings   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After reading these three articles between how coaches and players do not get along with them attacking each other and when a player does something terrible and the coach defends them. We all have been in a situation where we do not want to be talked to by a family member or friend just because he had a bad day, but when you bring that attitude to a sporting event or practice sometimes the player or coach my lose their composure. Which happened in the three articles that I read, dealing with Latrell Sprewell choked his coach PJ Carlesimo during practice, coach Bobby Knight choked one of his own players Neil Reed, and when Rick Carlisle defended Ron Artest and other players he coached after the brawl in Detroit. In reading those articles I feel that they told me that there is either a bad, competitive, or good relationship between a player and coach. The one with Sprewell and Carlesimo, Sprewell who showed up to practice late that day choked his coach Carlesimo bec ause Carlesimo wanted to know where he has been for being late. Although in the article it states that racial comments were said to Sprewell, but later found out that there were no such thing. So Sprewell was fired by the Golden State Warriors, the team he played for at the time, and was suspended by the NBA for the remainder of the season. In the article about Bobby Knight choking his player Neil Reed, it was halftime during a game when Bobby Knight was still coaching the Indiana University’s men’s basketball team and Knight was so upset with his players that the one player Neil Reed said something to Knight and Knight went after him and started choking him. After the news broke out about that incident the Indiana University’s President fined Bobby Knight $30,000 and suspended him three games. In the final article I read coach Rick Carlisle defends Ron Artest’s actions against the Detroit Pistons fan that threw a cup of beer at him and then Artest went a fter him in that brawl we all heard about. It states that Carlisle feels that Ron Artest is a great player that he should be getting more respect from coaches, players, and fans but he’s not because of his actions on and off the court. Rick Carlisle and Ron Artest though had a bad starting to this year when Artest asked for time off to promote his new album coming out. With that knowledge Rick Carlisle still d... ...s I stated before I am a coach, and after reading these articles I have definitely learned a lot from all these incidents and situations. Coaches and players need to establish a friendly, competitive relationship. What I mean by that is that when you are off the field or court you can be friends, you know joke with each other and have a good time, but when you get onto that field or court it is time to go to work and that playtime is over and you need to get serious to help your team and teammates compete at a high level of competition. If you do not have this kind of relationship with your coaches and players then I feel that your season as a team will become a total disaster, because you probably cannot trust each other when you go out to play the game. So that’s why I feel that the coach, player relationship will help out or not a team in their season of play. Bibliography Freinstein, John. A Season on the Brink. New York: Simon and Schuster Inc. 1989. Jackson, Nicholas. â€Å"Sprewell Gives Athletes a Bad Name.† 23 March 1997. Longley, Barry. â€Å"Carlisle Sounds off on Detroit Brawl.† 22 November 2004.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Customer Needs Essay -- Business and Management Studies:

Customer Needs In order to satisfy customers and to gain repeat business, it is essential that Morrisons satisfies their customer’s needs. Morrisons do this by providing the best customer service possible and offering customers with their wants and needs. By providing the best services for customers will align to high profits and a well-known and liked business for Morrisons. This will gain customer loyalty and ensure that they shop repeatedly at Morrisons. The different customer’s needs are: - product information - after sales service - response to queries - range of products - refunds and exchanges - response to complaints - response to orders - signs and advertising. PRODUCT INFORMATION Product information is demanded by customers because they want to gain an awareness of what they are buying. Product information is vital because it informs customers of what products consist of and also how to set up appliances. Product information is important for customers when they purchase electrical appliances. For instance, if a customer was to purchase a TV, they would need information which notifies the customer on how to use the appliance and what this appliance does as well as stating how to connect the TV in the right way and informing what the different buttons on the remote control does. If there is no product information, customers could be distracted because they may become wary to spend their money. Customers demand a bargain and would like to comprehend what they are buying. Product information is vital for a customer when they are purchasing products other than appliances, like food. For instance, if a customer was buying a pie, they would expect to see product information such as, ingredients, methods of cooking or heating and nutrition information. Ingredients are important for all customers because of their preferences, religion, diets and foods that are fit for their consumption. Some consumers may not like apples. Therefore, they would read the ingredients to see whether the pie contains apples because they would not purchase apple pies. Due to religion Muslims and Jewish customers would only eat certain types of foods. Muslims will only halal meat because Islam permits them to only eat this because it has been slaughtered in a special way. Jewish people will only ea... ...SPONSE TO ORDERS Although Morrisons do not provide online shopping, it is likely that they will have to respond to orders. For instance, if a customer wants to buy a Heinz Baked Bean can and they were all out of stock, Morrisons will tell the customer when they will order more cans. The customer expects the order to be placed quickly and will want to see the baked beans in the Morrisons store quickly and within the time scale Morrisons had informed. SIGNS AND ADVERTISING Morrisons advertise on television, billboards, leaflets through the post and in shop windows. They make customers aware of the products they offer and highlight what the bargains are e.g. buy one get one free. Around the Morrisons store there are signs indicating where products can be found which makes it easier for customers to shop. Hanging from the ceiling and are clearly visible are signs that informs shoppers of the different sections e.g. groceries, health & beauty and home & leisure. Under the names of the different sections are headings e.g. tinned foods, baby products and videos. This is so that customers know there way around the store and can quickly and easily locate products.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Memo in Finance Essay

This memo is being prepared to analyze the acceptability of the new production facility for company at different hurdle rates and the implications of accepting the same on company earnings, cash flow and contribution to return on equity. This will strengthen the justification why this project was chosen as against other options. This project has positive net present value (NPV) at different rates of 10, 15% and 18%, which makes it acceptable. Positive NPV in finance theory means that at cost of capital, the present values of cash outflow and outflows will be beneficial to the company as it will increase the company cash position and earnings (Brigham and Houston, 2002). To illustrate if the NPV of $1,291,659. 16, if is assumed to be most accurate value based on cost of capital at 10%, then said amount is effectively an increase in cash under the balance sheet of the same amount and increase in income under the income statement. See Appendix A. Increasing cash position improves as well liquidity position of the company. Liquidity position is measured by quick ratio and current ratio. In both cases, increasing cash, which is part of quick assets or current assets, by certain amounts without corresponding increase in current liability will definitely increase the said liquidity ratios and could strengthen the company’s position against possible bankruptcy. It must be noted that computations in Appendix A treated as cash outflows the following: rental or lease expense of $1. 5 million a year, other expenses of $100,000 per year as cash outflows, project cost of $4 million and the corresponding taxes, while the cash inflows include the yearly revenues and the depreciation which was added back because it does not entail a cash outflow when deducted as part of operating expenses for tax purposes. In effect, the depreciation provided a tax shield for the project. In terms of its impact of return to equity (ROE), the same will also increase the said rate even assuming that the $4,000,000 initial cash outflow at year 0 was financed by equity. If is assumed that company has a present equity of $100 million and the project cost of $4,000,000 was financed through equity or additional investment from owners, its 2003 income statement at $ 29. 4 million, assuming the same level of income, will be attained when the production facility is implemented, would increase to $30. 69 million. If the same amount is divided by new equity of $104 million, this could increase the ROE to 29. 51% from 29. 4% before the project. It is therefore recommended that the project of new production facility should be accepted by the company because the project has positive NPV and its MIRR of 18% is greater than cost of capital of 10%. See Appendix A. Recommendation is further based on increase in the cash position of the company, increase net earnings and increased return on equity that could further attract investors by possibly increasing the stock price of the company. Appendix A- See Excel File References: Brigham and Houston (2002) Introduction to Financial Management, Thomson-South Western, USA. Case study- given with income statement